Simoldes considers the welcome and integration, a crucial moment for new employees who arrive recently. The greatest concern is that they feel part of the Simoldes family from the very first day.
Integration does not end on the first day, it goes far beyond making the structure, rules and functions known to new employees. The Simoldes Group believes that it is only by establishing a close relationship and by supporting new employees in their first months that it is possible to make a difference.
We know that people are the key to business. Being part of this team means commitment, confidence, motivation and challenges for people to discover and achieve their potential. If you want a new challenge, send us your application and join the SIMOLDES team.
Openings in Simoldes Plastics
The Simoldes Group with its history of success and rapid growth in the market reflects a strong power of attraction and retention of staff and young people with high potential. This situation of attractive and preferential company has enabled it to respond to the challenge of attracting and retaining human resources necessary for the expansion of its activities.
The Simoldes Group aims to obtain the cooperation of the best professionals and the most promising students.
The Trainee Program is a Program that allows young people who are entering the labor market to acquire professional and personal skills, through continuous training and knowledge sharing about Simoldes and its culture. With a duration of 12 months, and transversal to all Simoldes departments, the Trainees will have the possibility to experience the different departments such as technical, production, support, R&D, among others.
Still studying? The internship can take place in one of our companies.
With us, you can continue your education and gain experience with our people and our know-how of over 60 years in our sector.
We believe that talent can always grow within our companies and areas of activity both personally and professionally. With our performance and development management policy and a career plan we will create movement.
Simoldes Plastics offers its employees advice so that they can conveniently manage their professional career: be responsible for their own career; improve their personal skills; learn to communicate better; adapt to change; be flexible and versatile; invest in new technologies; update their knowledge; know the company culture in depth; invest more in themselves, so that they are able to respond to the opportunities created and to their own ambitions whether it be for a change of function, promotion or job mobility.
Performance management and assessment is a process that allows employees to enhance their skills and is the basic tool for an effective career management.
Performance management and evaluation is a process which enables to strengthen the skills of all employees and is the basic tool for effective career management.
In this context, Simoldes uses this tool as input for detection of training needs, function mobility, career progression and management of expectations.
The promotion of performance management and evaluation emerges as an effective response to the need to evaluate employees, their performance, their capacities, skills, their potential and to understand whether they are suitable for the performance of current and/or future positions, thus contributing to their continuous development and increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the company.
We invest in the development of our employees’ skills through personalised training programmes.
We are a dynamic group and we are concerned with the training of our human capital. In this sense, we have established protocols for training with various teaching establishments, namely with renowned higher education institutions.
To be Simoldes is also to be Simoldes around the world and to live international opportunities and experiences through the possibility of working with and in multicultural teams spread worldwide.
We offer opportunities for growth in various companies, business areas and geographies where Simoldes’ activities are present.
For Simoldes…
Keeping work teams motivated is fundamental for the success of any organization.
So that there is a very positive cohesion between all members of “our family” (Simoldes), we develop a set of activities that provide unforgettable moments for all of us, namely: Christmas parties and dinners, walks, sports day, team building activities, recognition of the employee of the month, suggestions program, commemoration of important dates (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Women’s Day), continuous training, this way contributing to a “continuous improvement”.
One Team…One Mission…One Simoldes…
Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees, clients, service providers, visitors and other stakeholders is a primary concern on a daily basis for Simoldes.
Through continuous improvement of its occupational health and safety management system, Simoldes permanently seeks to provide the necessary conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and health disorders.
A safe workplace is a responsibility shared by all, for the benefit of each one of us!
Simoldes provides services of occupational medicine, curative medicine, nursing services as well as physiotherapy to all its employees.
All Simoldes permanent employees are also covered by health insurance, which enables them to get a partial reimbursement of their medical expenses and allows them to make use of the private Heathcare Network. It is also possible to create a similar insurance policy for their family menbers at reduced costs.
Simoldes promotes, among its employees, prevention and health surveillance screenings, such as:
Simoldes also carries out awareness campaigns to encourage safe behaviour and raise consciousness about the impact of their work on the safety of people, processes and facilities, such as
Simoldes also organizes awareness and Training Sessions on Safety and Health at Work for all employees.
It also promotes the exchange of best practices in matters of safety and health at work between all the companies of the Simoldes Group.