On February 23, 2025, the Oliveira de Azeméis City Council paid a heartfelt tribute to Mr. António da Silva Rodrigues, founder of the Simoldes Group, marking his 83rd birthday and recognizing his exemplary career in the development of Industry and the Community.
Mr. António da Silva Rodrigues a key figure in the industrial sector, was honored for his commitment, vision and dedication over the decades. The recognition reflects the impact of his work on the local and national economy, as well as his influence on innovation and the sustainable growth of Industry.
At this ceremony, he was presented with an honorary distinction, a symbol of appreciation and gratitude for his tireless contribution to business and social progress. This extraordinary tribute underlines the importance of his legacy, which continues to inspire new generations and strengthen the region’s identity.
Simoldes joins in this moment of recognition, praising the dedication and visionary spirit of Mr. António da Silva Rodrigues, values that reflect his ongoing commitment to excellence and Innovation.
- Diário de Aveiro: https://www.diarioaveiro.pt/2025/02/24/homenagem-a-um-homem-que-da-vida-a-vida-da-comunidade/
- Correio de Azeméis: https://correiodeazemeis.sapo.pt/noticias/tudo-aquilo-que-fiz-foi-a-pensar-no-povo-na-minha-aldeia